Sam Hober Bow Tie Construction
Our bow ties are completely custom made for you in the length, (vertical) end height and shape that you prefer with no adjustor.
We will use a light interlining unless you request no interlining.
The advantage of an interlining is that it will give your bow tie more structure. A bow tie without an interlining will be softer. There is no right or wrong construction it is based on your personal preference.
When we make your bow tie the approximate variance for length is 1/2 of an inch and for the height 1/8 of an inch. We actually will cut exactly as you request but the fabric will tend to move from day to day and you may measure slightly differently from how we measure.
Note that there are many variations in how your bow tie can be designed and measured. If you are using an old bowtie to measure from - remember your old bowtie nay have stretched.
To make your bow tie we will need you to add to the notes section when you check out:
1) The shape that you want. (Butterfly or Batwing etc.)
2) ​​Your actual neck size - we will add 2.5 inches/6.3 centimeters for the length around your neck.
Example Actual neck size is 16 inches/40.6 centimeters plus 2.5 inches/6.3 centimeters = 18.5 inches/47 centimeters for your neck.
3) The vertical height of the bow tie ends.
4) Horizontal length of the tied bowtie - normally between 4 and 5.5 inches.
The width should go past your eyes but not past your ears.
5) Or the length of the untied bowtie - From left to right.
Note: We can estimate your length for you, (We will normally be correctly but not every time) or you can provide exact measurement.

Bow Ties Shapes
Heights for Vertical Ends are a Personal choice below are some examples: